Facing Addiction Across America chronicles the journey of two best friends as they travel from their home state of California to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, filming episodes of their journey.
Substance use disorder impacts 1/3 of American households. Of people who need treatment, 90% do not receive it. The government has spent over $1 trillion on the failed War on Drugs. In the middle of the most urgent public health crisis in our country’s history – with a life lost every 4 minutes – understanding addiction and recovery through lived experience is critical for our public policy leaders to wake-up and take immediate action.
Ryan Hampton and Garrett Hade met in addiction treatment in 2012 and have experienced first-hand the struggle of addiction and the opportunities that come from living in recovery. Ryan was elected as a delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention and during his cross-country drive in a 35-foot RV with Garrett, they met with people still struggling with addiction, family members affected, and those who have lost loved ones. They also visited with inmates, incarcerated as a direct result of their addiction, successful members of society who have managed to maintain long-term recovery, and everyone in-between.