YoR was formed as I struggled and succeeded in becoming a non-smoker back in 2001, when I was just 18 months abstinent from alcohol and drugs. I felt it was crucial for my health and self-esteem to really apply what I knew about recovery to this deadly addiction, and I was also guided and gifted with the healing sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda.
Yoga of Recovery has been offering the LIfestyle Medicine this article reports on for the last 19 years. Once you have met us on a retreat you can also take a 3-4 week Detoxification Retreat with us in south India. Give yourself the gift of metabolic repair to strengthen and rejuvenate you on your recovery path and prevent the diseases that we people in recovery from addiction are known to continue to suffer from at inordinate rates (respiratory disease, kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stroke, cancer, and premature death).

“Cigarette smoke remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States causing more than 450,000 deaths annually – approximately one in five deaths. In fact, smoking causes more deaths than the combination of alcohol, firearms, HIV, illegal drug use, and motor vehicle accidents. Additionally, more than 10 times as many US citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States (Frates, 2019).
Research reviews (See HERE and HERE) reveal that people with substance use disorders and those recovering from such disorders have higher rates of smoking, are more likely to be heavy smokers, and more likely to die from tobacco-related diseases than from other substances. Equally important is research confirming that smoking cessation improves recovery rates for other substance use disorders and enhances global health of people in recovery. Read the full article here …