Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat


Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat
Nassau, Bahamas


May 14 - 18 2024



Life is Sweet Retreat, Bahamas

Life is Sweet – practices for sweet self-soothing to overcome our ‘addictiveness’with Durga Leela and Tarini

Struggling with unhealthy habits you wish you could change but don’t know how? There is a solution. Replace limiting behaviors, thought patterns, self-sabotaging and addictive tendencies with the practices of Yoga of Recovery.

Our sense desires can be distracting and cause disruption, with cravings leading us to cross-addictions, relapse, or aggravation of chronic disease conditions. Resourcing ourselves with practical Ayurveda, we can learn to creatively channel our senses through sweet, self-soothing, constructive sense therapies.

Discover a Sense-able recovery pathway which offers us practices that are supportive rather than destructive; helping us to calm the mind and soothe the body.

Sense therapies can help us reduce stress, promote relaxation and resilience, and cultivate a sense of sweetness and pleasure in our life. Life is Sweet encourages us to explore our sense-based awareness and find ways to connect with the 5 elements, our senses and how we receive and express ourselves in the world.

This five-day retreat is based on the 6 Tenets of Yoga of Recovery, specifically the 4th Tenet – Life is Sweet.

Program Schedule

5:30am Wake Up Bell
6:00am Satsang* or Silent Walk
8:00am Hatha Yoga Class
10:00am Brunch
11-12pm Karma Yoga
12:15-1:45 Life is Sweet class
2-4:45pm free time
4:45-6pm Yoga Nidra session for course participants
6:00pm Dinner

6.50-7.45pm Optional open all-fellowship 12 step meeting
8:00pm Satsang*
10:00pm Lights Out


Open to all. We suggest at least three months of continuous sobriety for AUD/SUD guests, as we are not a medical/detox facility (if this is the level of care you need please seek appropriate help immediately). Please contact us if you feel able to attend in your early sobriety—we’d like to ensure that the retreat is the best option for you. Those with eating disorders or behavioral addictions (relationships, gambling, spending, etc.) should have enough stability to embark on this work.