Satsang – Yoga of Recovery, Life is Prana
We are invited to look at our own story – to trace the roots of our addictive behaviors. This approach appeals to all types of people … it looks at the human ‘condition’ – not just superficially treating symptoms. We look at root cause(s) through the framework of the 6 tenets. Each tenet points to the yoga perspective, pathways and practices that best allows us to express our inherent energy in a more conscious way etc.
2nd Tenet, “Life is Prana” considers that we are spirit embodied and that embodiment comes with dependency. For life itself we are dependent on air, water and food. Life Seeks Life. At the very least we need to ensure we eat fresh food and drink pure water regularly. However, many of us experience disturbances of prana, in YoR we center our discussion of this around our feelings of being Tired, Wired, in Pain or Stressed. We discuss how often we feel like this, the reasons we assign, and the ‘fixes’ we reach out for. Have we witnessed the cycle of diminishing results from our choices? We see that our coping mechanisms, that promise stimulation, sedation, medication and gratification, work only in the short term.
A look at our own experience with our chosen external substances and behaviors, shows that any short-term relief we may get is becoming increasingly outweighed by the long-term progression of disturbed prana. This then becomes our pathway into denial and addiction. It is the disturbed prana that actually causes ‘wrong’ desire (that which is not life supporting) and insatiable craving. This is how we’ve become misguided, and wrongly motivated – running after things in the external world even although we’re aware that they’re not working for us. Of course, our modern world of hyper-sensory stimulation and overdrive, fully supports and encourages this. If you’re ready, YoR has a very approachable and practical way of redirecting you to a pathway that feels accessible for you and allows you to follow your own internal inspiration. The same seeking energy that led you to self-defeating habits can be used to bring you to discover and employ the yoga practices that connect you with the energy and vitality you’ve sought all along.
Durga will discuss Yoga of Recovery’s 2nd Tenet ~ Life is Prana which will be supported by some sharing and experiential practices.
Cost: $15 Drop In (Free for Members of Soul of Yoga)
PLEASE NOTE: Zoom Link will be emailed once you sign up